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Transition to Year 1 - Year 1 Readiness

We want the children at our school to experience a smooth educational and emotional transition from one phase to the next. We want our children to feel excited as they move up into Year 1. We want them to be inspired and to look forward to the challenge that Year 1 has to offer.  Getting this transition right is so important. We achieve a successful transition with a clear plan. 

  • Familiarity and Parallels – We support a gradual change in teaching styles from more informal to more adult-led teaching. We make it fun, focussed and familiar!
  • Attitudes and Dispositions – To prepare children with a positive outlook for Year 1 we praise positive attitudes at every opportunity and relate to the real world! We talk about HOW the children learn and encourage resilience, determination and commitment to learning at all times.
  • Communication and Involvement – Communication between Reception and Year one staff occurs all year round through regular progress meetings.  Handover meetings in the Summer term allow teachers to discuss EYFS data and the childrens' individual needs and targets.  Engaging parents in the process is also a key priority so that they know what to expect and can support their children by talking to them about the changes as the end of the year approaches. Parents are invited into school to visit a Year 1 classroom to share work examples and meet the staff. Effective and purposeful communication underpins our transition plan. 
  • Excitement and Experiences – We have built a timetable that builds up with excitement and makes the children want to learn and progress to year 1.  Children learn best when they are highly motivated. Our timetable and structure, moves the children gently towards the National Curriculum so each child can develop into a more formal learning at their own unique pace. Approaches to teaching and learning are harmonised at the point of transition and throughout the Autumn term. 

Our children and parents are actively involved in the transition process and their perceptions about transition to Year 1 are explored and valued. There are clear curriculum guidelines for children with SEND during transition as well as those still at the early stages of learning English. Appropriate assistance will be provided in a variety of ways including;

  • Using pupils’ ideas and motivations as a starting point for learning
  • Adjusting the conceptual demand of the task as appropriate for the child
  • Supporting play through language provision with an additional adult

With input from the EYFS and KS1 team an annual transition timetable is produced (see an example timetable below) This contains the different activities and time slots that are dedicated to the transition from Reception to Year 1. Leaders from EYFS and Year 1 discuss the autumn term planning strategies and where applicable tailor it to the needs/interests of the cohort. Staff use the early learning goals objectives when appropriate. Reception plans are also adapted to enable guided group work and challenges that promote independence. Year 1 planning reflects Reception provision with enhancements and continuous provision that maximise learning opportunities and promote creativity, awe and wonder.   At the same time the planning gradually encourages independence through high expectations and independent learning opportunities. 


Example timetable of transition activities

Time Year Steps Monitoring & Assessment Person (s) Responsible 
Summer Term - May Rec/Y1 Moderation meeting to agree standards, particularly across boundaries EYFSP data moderated  Reception and Year 1 teachers
Summer Term - June Rec Informal meeting,  between Reception and Year 1 teachers (when known) to discuss children with specific needs. Reception planning modified in accordance to discussion, e.g. TA support. Phase leaders
Summer Term - June Rec Reception teachers meet identified parents of children who are vulnerable during transition. Discussions are had about how school and home can best work together to ease the transition period. Reception teachers
Summer Term  Rec Reception team to plan for more opportunities for guided group work and challenges to develop the children's  independence.  EYFS leader to monitor opportunities EYFS leader
Summer Term  Rec Reception to have lunch in the big hall and join KS1 children for breaktimes.  Reception team
Summer Term - July Rec Specific planning to introduce transition to children and familiarise them with the concept, e.g. circle time with emotional development focus Reception team
Summer Term  Year 1 Year 1 teachers visit Reception children, teaching sessions in familiar setting. Opportunities to read stories and forest school sessions with KS1 planned. Reception and Year 1 teachers
Summer Term Rec/Y1 Morning transition session (or sessions if required) in Year 1 with new teacher Phase leaders to monitor and request additional sessions if necessary Phase leaders
Summer Term - July Rec/Y1 &SENCO Handover meetings between Reception/Year 1 teachers and TA’s EYFSP data shared Reception and KS1 team - teachers and teaching assistants
Summer term - July Year 1 Parents' stay and play in the Year 1 classrooms. Meet the class teacher. Year 1 team
Summer term - July Rec/Y1  Trip to Sandy Lane Park with current Year 1 cohort.  Reception and KS1 phase leader
Autumn term Y1 Play-based activities, using Reception model, with teacher led group activities to support the development of basic skills, meeting the needs of individual children
Autumn term Y1 Move towards more formal learning, increasing the number of groups working with the teacher/additional adult until a whole class model is reached. KS1 phase leader
Children's emotional welfare, wellbeing and involvement is assessed before and after transition using the Leuven scales. Additional support is provided from our pastoral team to support any child identified.