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Our Vision

'We Care...'

Our Vision is to foster an independent ‘love of learning’, so children leave Cherry Grove with the skills and knowledge needed to fulfil their potential as 21st Century citizens.

We deeply care about our children and our families. We want to ensure everyone thrives and fulfils their full potential. Developing aspirations to succeed is at the core of what we do, and we enable this through a powerful community of families and stakeholders who work in the best interests of the school. As a UNICEF Rights-Respecting school, Respect is the foundation from which we build.


Staff and Governors, June 2022


We are all individuals, with unique talents and characteristics, who come together to work as teams in our classes. We link together to form wider communities in our year groups, in our school and with our partners around the world. Teachers care about us and we feel heard when we have something to say. I love it at Cherry Grove and wish we could stay here for High School too!


Year 5&6, June 2022

You can read our Vision and Values as a PDF below:

Core Values 

Drop down each box to


·       We foster collaborative partnerships for impact within and outside of the school.


·       We have open and honest relationships with all our school users.


·       We offer a warm welcome and a family feel. We are diverse within our local area and welcome families from many different backgrounds.


·       We work with residents, local schools, churches and organisations to ensure we are at the centre of the community.


·       Families are actively involved in their children’s learning.


We work in partnership with families and communities where difficulties are being experinced.


·       We develop leaders and give staff opportunities to grow.


·       There is rigour and focus when teaching reading, writing and maths.


·       Children fulfil their potential, make great progress against their starting points and concerns are addressed quickly.


·       We have high expectations of ourselves and each other.


·       We all aim to ‘be our best’.


·       We foster independent learners who leave Cherry Grove with a unique sense of self and where they fit into the world.


·       Children develop an independent ‘love of learning’


·       Children are critical thinkers and aim high. They are encouraged to take ownership for their learning.


·       We are innovative.


·       We are a Rights-Respecting School and the rights of the child are embedded in our culture of ‘this is how we do it here’


·       We have a behaviour policy rooted in restorative practice and respectful relationships:

o   Ready (A right to learn and be heard – Article 12, 28)

o   Respectful (A right to respect (Article 2)

o   Safe (A right to safety (Article 19)


·       We respect a positive work-life balance for all those who work at Cherry Grove.


·       Our children and staff have a voice

We are inclusive and offer support where it is needed.


·       Children learn from a curriculum rooted in experiences and real-life outcomes. Children understand the purpose of their learning.


·       Children learn in the outdoors and take managed risks.


·       Children learn about other cultures (windows) and see themselves within the context of learning (mirrors).


·       Children embrace learning in all subjects – science, computing, the humanities, RE, DT and languages.


·       Children are passionate about the Arts and sporting activities.


·       Children are actively involved in each others’ learning and the development of the school – through buddy systems and ‘ambassador’ groups.

Children understand how to keep their minds and bodies healthy and happy.