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At Cherry Grove, our biggest focus for children's learning at home is reading. This includes securing Phonics understanding as children start their education journey but will always be bolstered by a desire to encourage reading for pleasure. This can mean children reading to you, shared reading and talking about books, or even snuggling up and them listening to you read to them.

Children love stories, poems and finding out facts! Children right up to Year 6 love listening to people reading. In school, daily reading from a teacher is an important part of every day.

Phonics (underpinned by our scheme Read, Write Inc.) learning and reading therefore takes centre stage in our approaches to Homework. You will be supported to help your child learn to read by contact with teachers, videos, guides and workshops.

We also use online platforms to help your child practice key concepts they will be learning in school. Currently, we use Doodle as the main learning platform. If your child finds completing homework difficult, we can provide access to support or Homework club in school.