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Our Governors

At Cherry Grove we are extremely lucky to have a hard working and dedicated group of governors. They provide a wealth of knowledge and ideas which they use to guide and improve the school.

Meet our Governors

  • John Morrow
    Chair of Governors
  • Rob Pullen
    Vice-Chair of Governors
  • Beth Hacking
  • Dr David Morris
    Co-opted Governor
  • Liam McCaughey
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Eleanor Wilson
    Staff Governor
  • Sarah Smith
    Local Authority Governor
  • Dorothy Turnbull
    Parent Governor
  • Oliver Gover
    Co-Opted Governor
  • Martin Brannan
    Parent Governor
  • Tommy Spencer
    Associate Member

Governors who have served in the last 12 months:

  • Roz Artist, Co-Opted Governor [July 2019 to Nov 2023]
  • Jeanette Makings, Co-Opted Governor [July 2023 to Mar 2024]
  • John Heselwood, Parent Governor [May 2023 to Mar 2024]
  • Sophie Lawrence, Co-Opted Governor [April 2023 to July 2024]

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education.  It is an immensely rewarding role that allows you to be involved in raising standards within school. Please contact our clerk at for information about any vacancies.

The role of the Governing Body:

The core functions of the governing body are

  • that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
  • that the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
  • the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources

We do this by getting to know the school and the wider educational context, reading meeting paperwork and attending meetings where we ask questions to ensure that the best possible decisions are made for the benefit of the children in the school, attending training and development events to improve our skills and knowledge and adhering to the Governors’ Charter. 

The minimum commitment expected of a governor is that they attend scheduled Full Governing Body meetings.  These are usually held on a Wednesday or Thursday evening, mainly face to face with some virtual.  Most governors also take on additional responsibilities, e.g., Safeguarding link governor, Health & Safety link governor or Curriculum link governor. 

In addition to being over 18 years of age, governors need a strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and the willingness to learn.  They need good inter-personal skills, appropriate levels of literacy in English, and sufficient numeracy skills to understand basic data.  There are certain circumstances in which a person is disqualified from holding or continuing to hold office as a governor and they are listed in the document at the bottom of this page.

If a governor incurs reasonable expenses such as travel costs as a result of performing their duties as a governor, they can be reimbursed in line with the Governors Allowance policy available on the policy page of the website. 

More information about our Governing body:

  • The Headteacher is automatically entitled to be a governor

  • Parent Governors are appointed by the parents at the school

  • Staff Governors are appointed by the staff at the school

  • Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority and appointed by the Governing Body

  • Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body

You can find out more about the role of a governor on the National Governance Association website.  


If you would like more information, please contact the Clerk to Governors at  The Chair of Governors can also be contacted via this email address.

Governing Body Meetings

Governing Body meetings will be held either virtually or at school at 6.30pm on the following dates.  Members of the school community wishing to attend should contact the Clerk to Governors.  

Full Governing Body Meetings 2024-2025:

19th Sept, 14th Nov, 23rd Jan, 27th Feb, 13th Mar, 15th May, 3rd July

Governor Attendance 

Governor attendance at a glance for 2024/25:


Financial information

Please visit here to view the school financial benchmarking information.